Update Collected Datasets

This command is for updating and/or publishing a list Collected Datasets which are ID is filtered by a regular expression. The goal is to automate the linkage between a table in Opal with a collected dataset in Mica.

mica update-collected-datasets ID <CREDENTIALS> [OPTIONS] [EXTRA]


Argument Description
ID A regular expression to filter the collected dataset identifiers.


Option Description
--project PROJECT, -prj PROJECT The associated Opal project.
--dry DRY, -d DRY Dry run of the command to list the collected datasets matching the regular expression.
--publish, -pu Publish the collected datasets.
--unpublish, -un Unpublish the collected datasets.


Authentication is done by username/password credentials.

Option Description
--mica MICA, -mk MICA Mica server base url.
--user USER, -u USER User name. User with appropriate permissions is expected depending of the REST resource requested.
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD User password.


Option Description
-h, --help Show the command help’s message
--verbose, -v Verbose output


Link the collected datasets which ID starts with ‘cls-wave’ in local Mica to a project in Opal and publish them.

mica update-collected-datasets -u administrator -p password --project CLS --publish '^cls-wave'