Import Zip

This command allows to import a zip-archived file produced by Mica. The result of the import will be the creation or the update of the packaged documents and their attachments.

mica import-zip  <CREDENTIALS> [EXTRA] PATH

A very useful usage of this command is when a series of associated documents should be imported together. For instance, this command permits to import an individual-study, its network and all its associated collected-datasets. Here is how the documents should be organized into sub-folders and archived such that the import command recognizes it as a valid input:

- study
  - individual-study-name
    - network-something.json
    - collected-dataset1.json
    - collected-dataset2.json
    - collected-dataset3.json
    - individual-study-name.json
    - attachments
      - attachment-id1
      - attachment-id2


attachment-id is the ID used in the document attachments list in the JSON file, this should not be the filename.


Use this command with special care to prevent overriding existing documents and breaking associations.


Argument Description
PATH Path to the zip file or directory that contains zip files to be imported.


Option Description
--add, -a Add an access
--delete, -d Delete an access
--no-file, -nf Do not grant access to associated files
--subject, -s Subject name to which the access will be granted
--type TYPE, -ty TYPE Subject type: user or group


Authentication is done by username/password credentials.

Option Description
--mica MICA, -mk MICA Mica server base url.
--user USER, -u USER User name. User with appropriate permissions is expected depending of the REST resource requested.
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD User password.


Option Description
-h, --help Show the command help’s message
--verbose, -v Verbose output


Import the file in Mica server running on localhost with user administrator.

mica import-zip -mk https://localhost:8445 -u administrator -p password  /path/to/the/file/

Import all the zip files located in a directory with user editor.

mica import-zip -mk https://localhost:8445 -u editor -p password  /path/to/the/zips/directory