
Manage system plugins. See Plugins documentation.



Option Description
--list, -ls List the installed plugins.
--updates, -lu List the installed plugins that can be updated.
--available, -la List the new plugins that could be installed.
--install INSTALL, -i INSTALL Install a plugin by providing its name or name:version. If no version is specified, the latest version is installed. Requires system restart to be effective.
--remove REMOVE, -rm REMOVE Remove a plugin by providing its name. Requires system restart to be effective.
--reinstate REINSTATE, -ri REINSTATE Reinstate a plugin that was previously removed by providing its name.
--fetch FETCH, -f FETCH Get the named plugin description.
--configure CONFIGURE, -c CONFIGURE Configure the plugin site properties. Usually requires to restart the associated service to be effective.
--status STATUS, -su STATUS Get the status of the service associated to the named plugin.
--start START, -sa START Start the service associated to the named plugin.
--stop STOP, -so STOP Stop the service associated to the named plugin.


Authentication is done by username/password credentials.

Option Description
--mica MICA, -mk MICA Mica server base url.
--user USER, -u USER User name. User with appropriate permissions is expected depending of the REST resource requested.
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD User password.


Option Description
-h, --help Show the command help’s message
--verbose, -v Verbose output


List the plugins that are currently installed:

mica plugin -mk -u administrator -p password --list --json