

The search engine is based on indexed documents. Each index can be rebuilt without affecting the history of changes and the publication status of the documents.


Type Description
All Indices about any type of document: network, study, dataset (and associated variables), file, person.
Networks Index that allows to search for networks.
Individual Studies / Harmonization Initiatives Index that allows to search for individual studies and harmonization initiatives.
Collected Datasets / Harmonization Protocols Index that allows to search for collected datasets and harmonization protocols and their associated variables.
Collected Datasets Index that allows to search for collected datasets and associated variables.
Harmonization Protocols Index that allows to search for harmonization protocols and associated variables.
Persons Index that allows to search persons who can be associated to studies, initiatives or networks.
Files Index that allows to search files associated with all Mica documents.
Projects Index that allows to search projects.
Taxonomies Index that allows to search for taxonomy terms (i.e. the search criteria).


In order to keep the inferred annotations of individual studies up-to-date, the order of indexing must be as follows:

  1. Index the collected datasets which will index their associated vatiables as well.
  2. Index the individual studies to update the inferred variable annotations.