Draft Networks

Manage operations on the list of networks in draft mode.


GET /draft/networks

List a summary of the networks in draft mode.

This entry point requires Authentication of a user with mica-administrator or mica-reviewer or mica-editor role, otherwise an empty list is returned.

Example requests

Using cURL

curl --user administrator:password -H "Accept:application/json" https://mica-demo.obiba.org/ws/draft/networks

Using the Web Services Python command line tool

mica rest -mk https://mica-demo.obiba.org -u administrator -p password --method GET /draft/networks --json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": "bioshare-eu",
    "acronym": [
        "lang": "en",
        "value": "BioSHaRE-EU"
    "name": [
        "lang": "en",
        "value": "Biobank Standardisation and Harmonisation for Research Excellence in the European Union"
    "studyIds": [
    "permissions": {
      "delete": true,
      "edit": true,
      "publish": true,
      "view": true
    "published": true,
    "timestamps": {
      "created": "2021-04-12T06:38:00.904Z",
      "lastUpdate": "2021-04-12T06:38:04.547Z"
    "obiba.mica.EntityStateDto.networkSummaryState": {
      "permissions": {
        "delete": true,
        "edit": true,
        "publish": true,
        "view": true
      "publicationDate": "2021-04-12T06:38:04.571Z",
      "publishedBy": "administrator",
      "publishedId": "57c9b73f7eec70a4ea471e96c741ddd4c41737e9",
      "publishedTag": "3",
      "revisionStatus": "DRAFT",
      "revisionsAhead": 0
Query Parameters
  • study (string) – List networks linked to the study with provided identifier.

  • query (string) – RQL search query.

  • from (numeric) – List offset. Default value is 0.

  • limit (numeric) – List maximum count of documents.

  • sort (string) – Sorting field. Default value is id.

  • order (string) – Sorting order. Default value is asc.

  • exclude (strings) – Document identifiers to be excluded from the list.

  • filter (string) – Document state filter which possible values are: ALL, PUBLISHED, UNDER_REVIEW, IN_EDITION, TO_DELETE. Default value is ALL.

Response JSON Array of Objects
  • id (string) – The document unique identifier.

  • acronym (object) – The acronym (short name) of the document, as an object that describes a localized string.

  • name (object) – The name of the document, as an object that describes a localized string.

  • studyIds (strings) – The identifiers of the studies that are part of the network.

  • permissions (object) – The different actions that can be performed on this document.

  • published (boolean) – Whether the document is published.

  • timestamps (object) – The date times (format ISO-8601) at which the document was created and updated.

  • obiba.mica.EntityStateDto.networkSummaryState (object) – The publication state of the document.

Request Headers
Response Headers
Status Codes


POST /draft/networks

Create a network in draft mode.

This entry point requires Authentication of a user with mica-administrator or mica-reviewer or mica-editor role.


PUT /draft/networks/_index

Rebuild both draft and published indices for all networks.

This entry point requires Authentication of a user with mica-administrator role.

Example requests

Using cURL

curl --user administrator:password -H "Accept:application/json" -X PUT https://mica-demo.obiba.org/ws/draft/networks/_index

Using the Web Services Python command line tool

mica rest -mk https://mica-demo.obiba.org -u administrator -p password --method PUT /draft/networks/_index --json
Request Headers
Status Codes