Document Types


This section provides a description of the web interface for configuring the document types. The document type fields configuration is based on the schemaform framework that allows to define the form to collect the model of the document.



Document fields configuration consists of providing the necessary information (in JSON format) to build a form:

  • Schema: specifies the name and data type to be collected

  • Definition: specifies how to layout the form (field positions, translations, section titles, help text)

  • Preview: is the result of the interpretation of the schema and the definition by schemaform

  • Model: displays the data collected (in the preview ) according to the specified schema.


Due to the structure of the study type, the form of the study is split in several pieces:

  • study: general definition of the study

  • population: each study can have one or more populations, this form applies to these only

  • and in case of individual studies, data collection event: each population can have one or more data collection events, this form applies to these only.

For detailed documentation on how to use schemaform, see the schemaform documentation. The default schema and definition provided by Mica can also be a good starting point for getting into schemaform configuration.

Note that not all fields of a document type are configurable: there are some built-in fields such as name, description… that are necessary for Mica to operate. These fields will appear at the head of the form (when editing a document, not when having a preview of the form configuration). In addition to that other built-in fields are not handled by schemaform , such as the list of studies of a network, the Opal table(s) associated to a dataset, the persons that are members of a study or a network…

It is currently not possible to dynamically integrate schemaform addons to Mica. Please contact us if you have a specific need.

Add Criterion

A user with administrator rights can add a criterion to the existing taxonomy.

Name (identifier), Title, and Description are required fields. Under Definition, Field is required and represents a fully qualified field name under the document model. Check the Repeatable definition if search must be an exact match or contained value. Check the Localized definition if the field is multilingual.

Under Display, one can choose how and if the criterion will be shown.

Checking Hidden will hide the criterion from the search while Facet controls whether or not it will be exposed in the list page.

Add Term

A user with administrator rights can add a term to an existing criterion. A term is described by a unique Name for string criterion or a range for numerical criterion, a Title, a Description and a set of Keywords useful when building search requests.


The permissions that apply to all the documents of the considered type can be specified in this section. See Permissions for more information.